Parker & Covert attorneys are actively involved in providing trainings, workshops, and presentations to educators and the legal community. We are frequent presenters and available for trainings for public schools, community colleges, and universities regarding the following topics:
- Prequalification of contractors and labor compliance
- Harassment prevention
- Workplace violence
- Sexual harassment
- Title IX, including Supervisor Responsibilities
- EEO issues
- Discrimination
- Supervision Training
- Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Interest-Based Bargaining
- Utilization and Disposal of Surplus Real Property
- Enforcement of Labor Compliance Contracts
- CEQA Compliance
- Public Works Agreements and Related Issues
- Ralph M. Brown Act
- Conflicts of Interest and Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests
- Uniform Complaint Procedures (K-12)
- Employee Use of Social Media
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act
In addition, we offer the following in-service training with respect to special education programs:
- Using Appropriate Language in Writing IEPs
- Top Ten Errors Made by IEP Teams
- Section 504, the New ADAAA, and IDEA
- Transitions in Special Education
- Discipline of Students with Special Needs
- Mediation and Legal Issues for Special Education Administrators
- Student Study Team Meetings
- Parent Rights and Pupil Records
Attorneys also present at statewide conferences pertaining to business and finance matters, including the California School Boards Association's annual conference and the Coalition for Adequate School Housing's annual conference on school facilities. Topics in the past have included:
- “Fact-finding: Are You Ready if You Have to Go There?,”
- “Decline of Civility in Collective Bargaining – Brushing Up on Understanding of Negative Union Bargaining Strategies,”
- “Public Criticism of Public Employees,”
- “Contract Law 101 Supplies and Equipment,”
- “Legal Requirements of School Site Acquisition,”
- “Utilization or Disposition of Surplus Real Property and Facilities to Raise School and Community College District Revenue.”
- “How to Select the Best Format for Your Project.”
- “21st Century Learning: Education Beyond Classroom Walls.”
- “Bond Election – Achieving 55% Voter Approval.”
- “Paying for Facilities With or Without Bond Money.”
- “Key Indicators to Help Small School Districts with Facility Planning and Funding.”